Audio and Video Links
- What do you use for audio/video editing ? What do you recommend ?
- I used to use AviDemux and OpenShot to clean the video flux and add transitions if needed. I have also tried Cinelerra, lives and Kino, but didn't like them. Today I use kdenlive to clean the video flux, add transitions, titles, etc. Pretty much everything in fact. I find it complete enough and yet intuitive enough for my needs. I'm looking at blender which now also offers video editing and seems quite powerful, but the learning curve is quite steep.
- I use ffmpg for any conversion (it's the swiss army knife of audio and video processing!), sometimes mencoder.
- I do the soundtrack with audacity.
- Once I have my mpg files, I put everything together with DVD Styler.
- I usually burn with K3b
- and watch with mpv (or xine).
Audio Editing
- Audacity
- Linux Daw(portal for audio tools)
- Musique Assistée par Ordinateurs
(Super site de ressources).
DVD editing and burning